Thursday 12 November 2015

Sucked into your phone.

Addicted to your phone much? Check out these disturbing photos by Antoine Geiger of being sucked into your phone. Quite disturbing some of them.

Photographer Antoine Geiger has put together a strange photo series titled SUR-FAKE. Each Photoshopped image shows people in public having their faces sucked into the screens they’re staring at.

The project “places the screen as an object of ‘mass subculture,’ alienating the relation to our own body, and more generally to the physical world,” writes Geiger. “I wanted to come back to the idea of these faked identities, over-exposed, sucked by the digital gulf that breaks the relation to ‘real’, to bring back a self-focused image of the individual.”
“What interests me in this texture of sucked faces, is the the over-exposure gradually allows a very organic dimension, as well as digital, to render something quite disturbing.”

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