Monday 9 November 2015

What a customer found in a canned product will shock you. Check it out!

A horrified woman who found a dead bird inside canned food she bought at Walmart has gone on YouTube to express her displeasure and post the disgusting footage.

Jill Smith claimed she opened the tin, which had the sell-by date of December 31, 2017, and found the remains of the bird mixed in with the fermented cabbage.

In the video, Jill says: "I've just opened this can of sauerkraut from Walmart and found what appears to be part of a bird. These are feathers."

She then tips the rest of the contents out of the tin and exclaims: "Oh gosh, there's more."

Jill admits she initially thought the feathers were purple cabbage - before she looked a little closer and realised it was actually an almost entire dead bird.

The video has been shared on YouTube by Jill, who is from the US, and has had more than 27,000 views since November 6.

On the caption alongside her video, Jill added: "For updates on how Walmart handles this, subscribe and I will post a video as soon as I hear what action they will be taking."

A spokesman for Walmart said: “We are committed to providing our customers with safe quality foods. As soon as we were notified of the issue we immediately contacted the supplier to understand how this occurred. We’ll continue to take care of the customer as we work with the supplier to ensure this does not happen again in the future.”

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