Tuesday 10 November 2015

Barack Obama Covers Out 100, Talks Equality and Kim Davis: "The Next Generation Is Spurring Change"

President Barack Obama had a big year.

While there have been several milestones throughout his presidency, one that truly stands out for him and many Americans was the Supreme Court's decision that ruled in favor of gay marriage. Gracing the cover of Out 100, Obama opens up about his own experiences with discrimination and how LGBT equality became an important platform for him.

"This really goes back to when I was a kid, because my mom instilled in me the strong belief that every person is of equal worth," he explains to the magazine. "At the same time growing up as a black guy with a funny name, I was often reminded of exactly what it felt like to be on the outside."

While he has seen a lot of progress being made in terms of LGBT equality, the president knows that there will probably be even more accomplished when his daughters' generation grows up.

"To Malia [Obama] and Sasha [Obama] and their friends, discrimination in any form against anyone doesn't make sense. It doesn't dawn on them that friends who are gay or friends' parents who are same-sex couples should be treated differently than anyone else," he says. "The next generation is spurring change not just for future generations, but for my generation, too."

"As president, and as a dad, that makes me proud," he continues. "It makes me hopeful."

Obama also addresses the Kim Davis controversy that swept the nation by storm at the end of the summer. A Kentucky county court clerk, Davis refused to sign the marriage certificate of a same-sex couple multiple times, citing her religious beliefs as the reason why. Despite being ordered by a federal judge to sign the certificate, Davis refused and was ultimately sent to jail for disobeying the order. Michelle Obama's husband tells Out that he understands her religious beliefs, but adds that the law is the law and no one should go against it.

"I am a man of faith and believe deeply in religious freedom, but at the end of the day, nobody is above the rule of law--especially someone who voluntarily takes an oath to uphold that law," he says.

"That's something we've got to respect."

Ireland also ruled in favor of gay marriage this year! Watch to hear Colin Farrell's thrilled words about the landmark decision.

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